How we can obstruct CCD: Our ideas and innovations
Free app available on the Google Play store - click here. Major revisions are coming soon!
We, the HiveSwarm team, have created an app that beekeepers can use to keep track of their apiaries. It is extremely user - friendly and comes with many unique features that help with the welfare of the bee colonies.
HiveSwarm also allows beekeepers to view and organize their information in one central location, making all data easily accessible. The app's analytics ability also provides curated charts and graphs to help notice trends and patterns in the collected data.
There is also another perk to our app-it syncs up with a raspberry pi.
A raspberry pi is a very small computer which is programmable. For more information, you can watch the official video on Vimeo (from the Raspberry Pi Foundation) by clicking here.
We plan to attach the raspberry pi to a beehive so can use sensors to input data for the beekeepers, instead of having to manually input it, saving them time and effort. It will be powered by solar panels, and even be able to track how much honey is still stored in the supers.
As of April 2, our raspberry pi is now up and running! For now, the raspberry pi can only sense the amount the pollen in the air, the air temperature, and the humidity levels, but we hope to add more features. Be sure to follow us on Google+ for the latest updates!